Publications from Polished Brass available from Sheet Music Plus

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Brass Quintet

Trombone Ensemble

Other Publishers - resources for Brass Quintets

Art of Sound - download and print many pieces, online score playback
Bill Holcombe Publications - consistently great arrangements
Brass Music Online view score and hear midi version
Brassworks4 Publishing(Sample scores for review online)
Downeast Brass arrangements by Dwight Tibbets
Gary Bricault Music various brass ensembles, many Bach transcriptions
Cherry Classics
Cimarron Music
Con Spriito Music Todd Marchand, Music educator, arranger, trombonist
Editions Marc Reift Switzerland
Eighth Note Music (click Catalog, Brass, Brass Quintets - listed by difficulty, with description of piece.)
Elkjer Music Robert Elkjer has numerous arrangements for brass to his credit, from trombone ensemble to large brass.
Encore Music Publishers
Hickman Music Editions
Hickeys Music
Hip-Bone Music
Jari Villanueva - composer and arrnanger
Kagarice Brass Editions
Matt Kingston Matt Kingston, composer, arranger with pdf downloads Musescore a wealth of arrangements, free-to-modest price
Music for Brass (several arrangements by Dave Taylor)
Jari Villanueva composer and arranger, many civil war era selections
J.W. Pepper (over 1000 items returned on search for "brass quintet")
Jay Lichtmann arr. at University of Hartford, free arrangements in .pdf files.
McGinty Music
Quintessential Brass Publications
Peakview Music Company
Salvation Army Carolers' Favorites
Score Exchange (many composers' works, listen with plugin, buy and print)
Select a Press arrangements by Gary Slechta
Sheet Music Plus Browse brass quintet sheet music
Sneaky Yellow Dog Music
Solid Brass
Tap Music Sales
TBQ Press
Theodore Presser
Thompson Editions Everthing plays a MIDI sound file
Waddell Editions
Whichpond Music
Wiltshire / Cor publishing